Chandigarh: Bajrang Punia, the renowned wrestler and now the acting chairman of the All India Kisan Congress, received a death threat on Sunday.The threat came through a WhatsApp message sent from an international number. In the message, the sender warned Bajrang to quit Congress or face serious consequences.When asked that some reports say that in the threat message Punia was asked to quit Congress or be prepared to face dire consequences, Bahalgarh police station SHO Madan Singh said over the phone, “The matter is under investigation…”
Following this threat, Punia lodged a formal complaint at the Bahalgarh police station in Sonipat. The local police have launched an investigation into the matter.
This incident comes shortly after both Bajrang Punia and fellow wrestler Vinesh Phogat officially joined the Congress party on Friday. They made their entry into politics in the presence of Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge and senior party leader KC Venugopal.
She added, “Our fight isn’t over yet; it’s still in court. But we will win this battle. With the new platform we have, we will continue serving the nation, just like we gave our best on the field. To my sisters, I want to say that I will always stand by you. Even if no one else is there, I will be, and so will the Congress party.”