Actress Madhubala was last seen in 1997 in Mani Ratnam’s ‘Iruvar’, after which she seems to have withdrawn herself away from Kollywood. Now director Balaji Mohan is bringing her back on silver screen in his upcoming project ‘Vaai Moodi Pesavum’.
Marking Dulquer Salman’s Kollywood debut and starring Nazriya as his heroine, the film will cast Madhubala as a writer related to Nazriya’s role. Speaking on casting the yesteryear actress, Balaji said “Madhubala was impressed with the role she was offered in this experimental project. But she is not playing mother to the hero or heroine. We are currently shooting in Munnar and Madhubala will join us from 17th this month.”
It is worth mentioning that Madhubala made her debut in ‘Azhagan’ with Dulquer’s father and Malayalam star Mammootty and her comeback is with Dulquer himself.