THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted a widespread raid at the houses of former office-bearers of the banned organization Popular Front of India (PFI). The raid is being conducted in 56 centers across the state. The raid is held at the houses of the organization’s second-level leaders, those who trained the activists and people who helped them financially. The team also includes officials from Delhi. The early morning raid was a continuation of the PFI ban. Secret investigation officials received information that the organization is functioning secretly although the PFI is banned. Reports said the present raid is based on it.
More raids are taking place in Ernakulam Rural. The raid is conducted at 12 centers here. The raid is being held in Nedumangad, Thonnakkal and Pallikkal in Thiruvananthapuram. A raid is going on at the house of PFI activist Thonnakkal Nawaz. In Pathanamthitta, the house of Muhammad Rashid, who was the state secretary of PFI, is being searched. A raid is on at the house of Nizar, who was a member of the state committee.
A raid is in progress at the houses of the Popular Front leaders in Muvattupuzha. The house of former PFI state secretary Tamar Ashraf is also being raided. The raid is also progressing in centers of Kollam, Palakkad, Malappuram and Kozhikode.
There are no protests anywhere against the raid. There were widespread protests in the raid conducted earlier before the Popular Front was banned. It is not clear whether anyone has been arrested or any documents were seized during the search.