Amidst escalated tensions along the International Border in Jammu Sector, Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde arrived in Samba and reviewed the security scenario on the international border which has been witnessing unprovoked firing and shelling by Pak Rangers.
Soon after his arrival Mr. Shinde, along with Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and Deputy Chief Minister Tara Chand went straight to the BSF Headquarters at Panjtila , Samba where he was briefed by top BSF officers about the situation prevailing on the International Border in the wake of firing and shelling by Pakistan.The meeting was attended by Union Home Secretary, Anil Goswami, Directors General of J&K Police and Border Security Force and other senior officers .
Addressing troops in Samba, Mr. Shinde said, the Centre is worried over the increased infiltration this year in Jammu and Kashmir. He said, he has been discussing with his officers the reasons behind the infiltration. 136 ceasefire violations have been reported so far this year, the highest in the past eight years.
Later, the Home Minister left for Hiranagar tehsil of Kathua district. He will visit the Hiranagar police station, where three fidayeens had on September 26th killed four police personnel and two civilians.