Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government has decided to quash complete lockdown imposed on Saturdays. With this, the state will be placed on complete lockdown only on Sundays. The revised COVID protocol will come into force in the state from next week onwards.Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will officially announce the new relaxations and restrictions in the assembly on Wednesday. The official announcement will be made as per rule 300 of the assembly procedures.The COVID review meeting on Tuesday took the decision to implement the revised COVID protocol.With the implementation of the new protocol, the restrictions imposed in A, B, C, D categories of local bodies as per the Test Positivity Rate will be cancelled. The new restrictions will be imposed after classifying regions according to the number of patients. It is learned that the number of COVID patients out of 1,000 people will be assessed for imposing the restrictions.Meanwhile, lockdown will not be in force on Independence Day (August 15) and Thiruvonam day (August 21) which fall on Sundays.As per the revised protocol, strict restrictions will be there in places where the highest number of cases are reported.Observing the protest from the traders, the working hours of the shops will be extended. More relaxations will be given to open shops in 6 days in a week. But restrictions in opening shops will remain in places where COVID cases are high.
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