KOCHI: BJP leader Kummanam Rajasekharan said that a biased investigation is going on in the Kodakara hawala case. “The accused have active political relations. Information on police interrogation of CPM workers has not been publicised yet. K Surendran is being attacked from all corners,” he said.
“Peaceful political activism is not being allowed in the state. It is to insult the party that Surendran’s son is being targeted. Party will fight against all challenges in a united manner. An organised effort is being made to destroy the party. Police can ask anything on the case. Nobody from the party will abstain from interrogation citing chest pain and covid. But the left front is misusing the police investigation and we are not satisfied with the ongoing probe,” Kummanam said.
“Party had taken prior permission to conduct the meet in Kochi hotel but the police sent us a notice against convenience the meet. The notice was issued following government intervention,” he said. As the meeting could not be convened in the hotel at Kochi, the meeting was shifted to the Ernakulam district office.