Kannur: KPCC working president K Sudhakaran MP said that the leaders implemented the group’s interest in in the case of the candidates of certain candidates and that is the reason for the current problems. He has already spoken to the AICC General Secretary regarding the current scenario and the ball is now on the court of leadership. It is up to the leadership to decide whether to score or not. Sudhakaran said that if you make a mistake, everything will go wrong and when it is over, everything will be over. It is understood that the list has been recalled by the AICC leadership. He raised his fingers towards the inadequacy of the leaders who handle the nominations. Leaders were unable to deal with the issue in a timely manner. The members of the screening committee are from North Indian politics. They do not know the situation in Kerala and had to rely on the state leadership. When the leadership makes a mistake, the screening committee also makes a mistake. Earlier he had held talks with leaders of Palakkad district to avoid conflict over candidates selection. The constituencies in Palakkad district like Kongad, Ottapalam, Pattambi, Tharoor and Malampuzha have problems unresolved. The assessment is that the candidates nominated now are not at all likely to win. The general Congress is of the view that for the UDF to come to power should be taken reconsider the candidature of some of these candidates before the final list. |