THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Minister K B Ganesh Kumar said his main aim would be to cut down the expenditure of KSRTC. In a veiled reference expected to be aimed at Antony Raju, Ganesh Kumar said he won’t be indulging in any work that would harm others.
“ The 10 rupee ticket scheme in buses will be canceled. When inquired, the MD said the price range was reduced to Rs 10 to lure more people into KSRTC. It makes no sense as there is another example of Vande Bharat right in front of us. People are not boarding the elite train because it provides cheaper ticket prices. “ The minister’s response was after a discussion with the KSRTC unions.
Minister Ganesh Kumar earlier gave a hint that he would not entertain the electric buses that are running at a loss in Kerala.
“Four diesel buses can be bought for the same amount of money as one electric bus and there is no evidence of successful use of electric buses,” Minister said.
The minister had said the other day that he would try to implement the Sushil Khanna report. The new software will be built for stock, account, and purchase. KSRTC administration will be computerized, he added.