THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Chief Minister’s former principal secretary M Sivasankar had created some controversies after writing a book titled ‘Aswathamavu – Verum Oru Aana’. The revelation made by accused Swapna Suresh, provoked by the references in the book, will pave the way for further investigation in the diplomatic gold smuggling case.
The case is once again becoming a huge headache for CPM, the Chief Minister’s Office and former speaker P Sreeramakrishnan. Swapna’s revelations have put the CM’s office on the defensive. The serious allegation that the Chief Minister’s office was linked to an international criminal offence, knowingly or unknowingly, will be a sharp weapon for the Opposition as the Assembly is about to start.
Meanwhile, Swapna’s statement that she did not know whether the CM was aware of all these was a relief to the government and the CPM.
During the last assembly elections, the Left Front had alleged that the BJP used the gold smuggling case to use central agencies as political weapons. The BJP will now retaliate by using the latest revelations of Swapna as weapons.
Sivasankar recently joined the service after his suspension. Government employees should seek permission to write a book except for art and literary works while in service. According to the Public Administration Department, Sivasankar has not obtained permission.
The Crime Branch had registered two cases against the ED after an audio clip of Swapna Suresh, stating that she was forced to name the CM, surfaced. With the High Court quashing these cases, the government had appointed Justice VK Mohanan as the commission of inquiry into the matter. This move was stayed by the single bench of the High Court. The division bench is considering an appeal filed by the government against the stay. Swapna’s revelation that her audio clip was scripted will affect these cases.