THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: In a rare incident, the BJP and CPM, who are political foes, joined hands in the long march of the action council against the Vizhinjam port strike. CPM district secretary Anavoor Nagappan and BJP district president VV Rajesh participated in the march in front of the secretariat.Both the leaders said that this is a plan which has been formed after many years of deliberation and discussion by the central and state governments. Anavoor Nagappan said that the CPM will support the protests against the Vizhinjam port strike. VV Rajesh opined that it is a joint project by the central and state governments. VSDP leaders also participated in this march. The aim of this group is to develop a mass community around the Vizhinjam port and counter the anti-port movement.
At the same time, the High Court has also ordered the demolition of everything that is obstructing the construction of the port. The order was passed by Justice Anu Sivaram on a petition filed by the Adani Group and the contracting company. The High Court has ordered that strict action will be taken if this is not followed. The company informed the court that on the 100th day of the strike, there were violent attacks on land and sea. Those opposing the port staged a protest, including burning a boat.