Bengaluru:The BJP on Monday filed a complaint with the Election Commission against former Congress chief Sonia Gandhi over the statement that the party would not allow anyone to pose a threat to Karnataka’s “reputation, sovereignty or integrity”, and requested it to issue direction for registration of an FIR against her over the use of the word “sovereignty”.
The cmplaint added: “The meaning of what Congress is saying is that the Congress believes that Karnataka is separate from India. This statement is divisive in nature; it is aimed at dividing the citizens and creating a rift between two people of different states. Karnataka is not different from India. This is a shocking statement leading to igniting divisive sentiments and to create disharmony in the society.”
Karandlaje, Convener of the BJP Election Management Committee, also requested the EC to issue direction to register FIR against her and take exemplary punitive action.
“This is an insult to freedom fighters from Karnataka, who fought for India’s independence. It is an insult to crores of patriotic Kannadigas, who swear by India and cherish their Indianness,” said the Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare.
The statement would lead to division on the basis of language and statehood, the complaint alleged.