The Indian Navy has released the names of the 18 crewmen who were present in INS Sindhurakshak, the submarine that exploded on Wednesday. The personnel include three officers and 15 sailors. Informing the media about rescue operations in Mumbai, the Defence PRO yesterday said that the trapped personnel have not yet been sighted or recovered.
Reports that the naval headquarters are keeping the families of the personnel posted on the rescue operations but despite Indian navy’s round the clock diving and salvage efforts since lthe past 2 days hopes of survival of the 18 naval personnel onboard submerged INS Sindhurakshak looks bleak. Poor visibility and water inside the submarine is challenging the rescue operations. The heat of the explosion has melted parts of the internal watertight body of the submarine and its hatches- resulting in restricted access to compartments. Most of its equipment has been displaced from its original location. The navy has deployed water pumps to pump out sea water from the submarine.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has condoled the death of Indian Navymen of submarine INS Sindhurakshak. In identical letters to President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh, Mr.Putin conveyed his sincere condolences in connection with the tragic death of the Indian seamen caused by the explosion in the submarine Sindhurakshak. He conveyed “deep sympathy” to the relatives and dear ones of the sailors who died. The diesel-electric submarine had recently come back from Russia after a 450-crore rupee extensive upgrade in that country.