KOCHI: The police seized the car of boat owner Nazar, accused in the boat tragedy in Tanur, during a vehicle inspection. Nazar’s brother Salam and his neighbour Muhammad Shafi, who were in the car were taken into custody. The police also seized Nazar’s phone from them. Apart from his brother and neighbour, two more people were in the car and they were also taken into custody. Presently there is no information about Nazar. He is likely to surrender in any of the police stations in Ernakulam.
The police have registered a murder case against Nazar under the non-bailable section. The boat involved in the accident had the license of inland navigation and ports department. However, people including fishermen engaged in rescue operations said that it was a fishing boat and that he had modified it into a tourist boat at an unauthorized yard in Ponnani.
The boat operated services before the registration process was completed. Moreover, the boat carried double the people permitted at the time of the accident. It is still unclear how many people were in the boat.